Mass Spectrometry Platform for Natural Product Analysis
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MS/MS Spectrum Search
Search SnaPeaks for the Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) data of natural products. You can either import a spectrum file or input peak data directly. Go to Search

Typical Workflow of
Natural Products
1. Source Sampling
Preparing a sample of a natural product as a component extraction target. Since natural products may exhibit different characteristics depending on various conditions such as vegetation, environment, etc., it is of utmost importance to prepare well-selected samples. For high purity extraction of active ingredients, impurity removal work must be preceded.
2. Extraction
Extracting raw material from the natural product to be extracted. As raw material, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate amount according to the analysis method and conditions, and the result may change depending on the purity of the raw material. Therefore, purity control at the extraction stage is very crucial.
3. Measuring
Analyzing the extracted raw materials using MS/MS. In order to utilize SnaPeaks platform, data should be prepared in mzML format or MGF format provided by most mass spectrometers.
The result may be different according to the resolution of the instrument utilized. -
4. Spectrum Analysis
Interpreting mass spectrometric data using SnaPeaks platform. It provides ingredient analysis result of raw material through comparison with the spectrum DB of natural products owned by SnaPeaks. It also provides general information and the metadata of spectrum.
What is SnaPeaks?
It contains
. Chemical Compounds for
Natural Products
. Secondary Metabolites with
High Resolution MS/MS
Spectra -
General-purpose system for natural product fragment ion search engine based on mass spectrometry
Analysis platform which is based on data of fragmentation ionization from 3 high-resolution mass spectrometers
- Natural Chemical compounds
Compounds with
High Resolution MS/MS - High Resolution MS/MS Spectra
SnaPeaks News
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You can check our best partners to visit their web sites.
Beijing Hongcam
Software Technologies
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QAST Software Group
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Malaysia, Singapore) -
Engineering Solution
(Germany, Spain, Portugal) -
(India, Canada) -
Cheerchain Enterprise
(Taiwan, Malysia, Indonesia) -
Science Software
(Czech Republic, Slovakia) -
Global Computing
(Mexico, USA)